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    July 12, 2023
    As you will discover in Episode Four From Accidental Liar to Accidental Terrorist, I’ve had my share of accidental missteps and mistakes and mishaps Maybe more than my share considering all the foolishness I’m sharing on the My Mother’s Diaries platforms.  Then again, I taught middle school for 44 years.…

  2. To Whom It May Concern

    June 28, 2023
    Sometimes we forget how different the world was before the advent of social media. In the 90s and before, If you had a beef with a company, you could call or send a letter, or complain in person.  Long-distance phone calls were charged by the minute and they were expensive…

  3. More Thoughts on Beauty Pageant Blooper

    June 24, 2023
    If you’ve listened to our second episode Beauty Pageant Blooper, you know that I survived a series of unfortunate events as a contestant in this preliminary to the Miss America pageant.  Common sense and the fact that my sorority sisters simultaneously called me “Miss Hopeless” should have alerted me to…

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